Ponytess, aka Myrna L. Enamorado, is an American artist and author. Inspired by the immensity of a starry sky, the natural cycles of the moon, or the pulsing infinite vibrations of waterfalls. Natural healings occur within the various mediums she applies throughout her work. The result is akin to the alchemical qualities of the unicorn's horn or the phantasmagoric influence of fairytales.
Artist Statement
I started drawing people to make connections during a period of isolation. The first person I drew was myself. As I looked in the mirror and created the lines that loosely tied my head on to my body, it became apparent that my self-portraits became more lifelike when my clarity of thought was more anchored in reality. As time went on, and I felt ready to rejoin society, I began to draw the people around me, usually close friends, or acquaintances that I wanted to get to know better. The careful way I delineate people’s features as I approach their contours with my pen on the paper makes them feel closer to me. I use archival ink on watercolor paper to trace their shapes. Piece by piece the individuals on paper are small, but together they make up a sizable crowd.
"Enamored. Thank you, Myrna."
-Marion Lasiter
"Myrna your art is beautiful."
-Marcelle Mouledoux
“I absolutely LOVE!!! This portrait that my fellow artist friend Myrna Leticia Enamorado composed for me... We met via the FB group "Art In the Time of Quarantine"... I love her interpretation and loose marks... and it's fabulous... I feel it is a very flattering rendition of me... <3 Thank you Myrna!!!
-Chris Bell
"There is something so genuine about the way you draw people. It’s hard to describe in words. It’s really striking. [...] Honestly, (Pony)Tess, I think you are one of the most skilled and talented (and those are two different and separate things,) draftspeople I can think of. Your drawings are fucking incredible. It’s your ability to capture so much with just a few lines. Really really expressive and really really animated. It’s amazing. The way you do human anatomy and faces, there’s no wasted mark or line. Other people do all this shading and value and tones and subtle variation, and you say more than many many of those people can with just a few marks and lines. It’s very difficult to pull off. Real virtuosity. It’s rare. I’ve always been jealous of that."
-Jack Wittenbrink
"I wanted to thank you for the art you made of Alexis and I on our wedding! We both were so excited when we saw it. Really love your work and It meant a lot to us that you felt inspired to create that, you're an incredible artist so keep doing what your doing and thank you again for inspiring Alexis and I with your work!"
-Dennis Galindo
"Myrna Leticia Enamorado is my new favorite artist in New Orleans. So good."
- Dane Hansen
"Your work has this wonderful naïve playfulness, but also a skill and a deftness. I rarely see both in a single image anywhere. And your work has it again and again. Very impressive."
-Jack Wittenbrink
"Myrna's drawings truly capture the essence of a person. She did a beautiful drawing of my daughter and I during Mardi Gras last year that I treasure. She brought across the essences of fun and love that we had that night! I also love her angel drawings - they're my new favorites."
-Rebecca Kastl Millsap